Foxtrot's eyes slowly open as the rays of the sun reach him, the chirping of birds and crickets offer a natural alarm as he begins to wake. "Uhhh.... what?" He lifts his head, looking around to find himself on the edge of a forest; grabbing his head as a surge of discomfort overwhelms him. His whole body ached, a severe migraine following right after; the dizziness of this all doesn't get any better though. His stomach catches his attention, the student suddenly rolling over to vomit. After that something even worse obtains his focus; dangling from his neck was the end piece of a noose. Foxtrot's eyes widen as he sees the rope connected to the large branch above him. "What the f..." Getting up, he tries to pull the rope off, but to no avail. A set of numbers on his forearm is spotted, leading him to find not only another set on his other arm, but various bruises and lipstick marks all over his body. Clothing was lacking though, Fox only sporting socks, boxers and a tattered CHS shirt that he doesn't even own. "Alright Fox, deep breaths..." He looks around to find himself alone, only a large grouping of footprints leading out. "Ok, what do you remember? Wake up, school, home, dinner, shower, Niv's college party, some drinks..." A gasp exits his mouth as he recalls one final thing, "the worm... Damn it! Oh I can't remember anything after!" Taking a deep breath, Foxtrot simply decides to follow the trail. After several minutes of walking he reaches a clearing leading to a small park, several treadmarks dot the once pristine grass surrounding a playset. "Well, let's try to get home... and some pants."