Sitting at the back, Broadshield does a final check to make sure everything is prepared. After checking over both of his weapons, a silenced P90 SMG and a silenced M1911 (We're using silenced pistols and SMGs here I'm pretty sure) he takes out a silver Desert Eagle, belonging to his father. Engraved on the side of the gun are the words "Si pro mea patria" - "For my country", and on the other side his, and his mother's name are engraved on there, and all over the gun, a dragon is engraved around every part, every mechanism and every engraving, with the dragon's mouth opened at the muzzle. He then looks to his armour, wearing a Kevlar vest, with extra pockets containing ammunition. Finding the right balance between having enough supplies as well as not carrying too much was difficult, but he eventually found a good enough balance. Looking over to everyone else, he says "Whatever happens, it was great knowing you all. Now when we get in there, check your surroundings and your fire, don't go firing wildly. If you can, avoid using your gun, but if needed, don't use too many bullets." With everything said, he remains seated, and decides to say a prayer to himself before heading out.