Meanwhile, at The Herbiary, Nivalia enters through the back employee entrance. Despite the building being the size of a small hangar, there's only about 5 staff members to maintain it. However when she walls past the rows of herbs resting under the bioluminescent light, the thick silence pulls at her nerves. "Hello? Blue? Raz? Either of you in here? You better, you're both scheduled for today!" The lack of a response causes her to raise her guard, her horn sprouting from the mare's head. Exiting the green room she turns a left into the offices, where she finds both of her workers bound and gagged, struggling to break to break free. "Blueberry! Raspberry! Are you two alright!?"
As soon as Nivalia pulls off Blue 's gag, the mare shouts out, "Niv behind you!"
The changeling doesn't turn around, but instead pulls back her hind legs and shoots them out as far as possible. She hears a grunt as her back hooves knock back whoever was behind her. Wasting no time she concentrates her magic and removes the bindings from her workers. "Go get help! Run!" Blue and Raspberry get up and rush out of the store in search of help. Nivalia, now alone, changes to her true form; she turns around to find her attacker gone. The silence commences as she slowly steps put of the office into the front of the store; a small counter sits adjacent to rows of boxes, bottles and live plants sporting a wide variety of herbs and tonics. As she rounds an isle a hoof swings around and lands against her jaw, sending her back and tumbling onto some of her shelves, the sound of glass bottles shattering is heard as she looks up and ducks in time to avoid another attack. Lowering her head she charges her horn and blasts at the now identifiable Pegasus, wearing a dark blue robe and already carrying a serrated knife in his free hoof. He dodges the blast, and sends a slap across Nivalia's face. She turns back instantly with a loud hiss, her fangs gleaning white as her eyes dilate to something more primal. Whoever is attacking her will know how much a mistake it is to do that solo.