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Ebony Coldsteel

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Re: Escalation
« Reply #30 on: October 03, 2015, 10:59:25 pm »
Ebony nods, "Thank you for your assistance your highness, I greatly appreciate it." The captain looks around to the group, "Our first spot is called The Herbiary. It's 15 blocks away so let's get moving!" Wasting no time the noctral continues ahead and leads the others to their destination on hoof.


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Re: Escalation
« Reply #31 on: October 03, 2015, 11:47:20 pm »
Meanwhile, at The Herbiary, Nivalia enters through the back employee entrance. Despite the building being the size of a small hangar, there's only about 5 staff members to maintain it. However when she walls past the rows of herbs resting under the bioluminescent light, the thick silence pulls at her nerves. "Hello? Blue? Raz? Either of you in here? You better, you're both scheduled for today!" The lack of a response causes her to raise her guard, her horn sprouting from the mare's head. Exiting the green room she turns a left into the offices, where she finds both of her workers bound and gagged, struggling to break to break free. "Blueberry! Raspberry! Are you two alright!?"

As soon as Nivalia pulls off Blue 's gag, the mare shouts out, "Niv behind you!"

The changeling doesn't turn around, but instead pulls back her hind legs and shoots them out as far as possible. She hears a grunt as her back hooves knock back whoever was behind her. Wasting no time she concentrates her magic and removes the bindings from her workers. "Go get help! Run!" Blue and Raspberry get up and rush out of the store in search of help. Nivalia, now alone, changes to her true form; she turns around to find her attacker gone. The silence commences as she slowly steps put of the office into the front of the store; a small counter sits adjacent to rows of boxes, bottles and live plants sporting a wide variety of herbs and tonics. As she rounds an isle a hoof swings around and lands against her jaw, sending her back and tumbling onto some of her shelves, the sound of glass bottles shattering is heard as she looks up and ducks in time to avoid another attack. Lowering her head she charges her horn and blasts at the now identifiable Pegasus, wearing a dark blue robe and already carrying a serrated knife in his free hoof. He dodges the blast, and sends a slap across Nivalia's face. She turns back instantly with a loud hiss, her fangs gleaning white as her eyes dilate to something more primal. Whoever is attacking her will know how much a mistake it is to do that solo.


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Re: Escalation
« Reply #32 on: October 04, 2015, 01:48:07 pm »
Tinder watches her group discuss things, not having anything to say. When they leave the building Tinder is careful to always stay a nice few steps behind all of them, not wanting to draw anymore attention to herself.

Princess Cadance

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Re: Escalation
« Reply #33 on: October 04, 2015, 08:28:36 pm »
Cadance took off at a low hover next to Ebony.
"You lead them there. I will fly ahead and check things out for myself. I think I know what place you are talking about." Wihtout waiting for a response she flew up and ahead towards the destination.

Landing there, the alicorn quickly headed inside.
"Hello? Is anypony here ?"


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Re: Escalation
« Reply #34 on: October 05, 2015, 09:10:44 pm »
As Cadence would venture further into the store, she would find several pots broken on the floor. Scratches, scraps, and dirt spot the floor as some fluorescent lights flicker on and off. The sporadic thump goes off in the distance, too far to pinpoint but close enough to lead the princess to the green room.
« Last Edit: October 05, 2015, 09:53:12 pm by Nivalia »

Princess Cadance

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Re: Escalation
« Reply #35 on: October 05, 2015, 09:32:13 pm »
The princess readied her horn for a spell that would disable any possible hostiles as she nervously walked deeper into the store.There she saw Nivalia in a fight with another stallion. The princess stood shocked though. "Was that the same changeling I saw at the shop earlier?" She whispered to herself.


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Re: Escalation
« Reply #36 on: October 05, 2015, 10:02:19 pm »
Nivalia charges up her horn and fires a blast of magic at her attacker who was hovering overhead. He rolls to the side, the blast breaking through the roof and continuing into the sky. Diving down, he scoops up a potted plant and throws it at her; the changeling catching it with her magic and hurling it right back. She misses but throws the pegasus off guard, enough for her to take to the air and tackle him out of the sky. The two crash into a long table with several cases and plants, glass and dirt scattering all over the ground as the two wrestle for control.

Looking up, the rogue sees the princess of love, knowing that she could only have shown up if she was informed. Spinning Nivalia around he knocks out her hind legs and pulls her up by the hair. "Don't make a move!" He shouts, lifting the serrated blade to Nivalia's neck. "Come any closer and she dies!"

Nivalia cries in pain as she struggles to break free, her concentration too broken to use magic. She opens her eyes to find Cadence there, the mare reducing her movements in surprise of who just happened to appear.

Princess Cadance

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Re: Escalation
« Reply #37 on: October 05, 2015, 10:10:09 pm »
"Lets take it easy buddy." Cadance slowly walked over. "No need to be hostile... just let the poor changeling go..." The alicorn took a few more steps cautiously.
« Last Edit: October 06, 2015, 06:59:13 pm by Princess Cadance »

Ebony Coldsteel

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Re: Escalation
« Reply #38 on: October 05, 2015, 10:10:14 pm »
As Ebony and the others speed towards the Herbiary, a green light shoots out into the sky. "Damn that's not a good sign. Everybody pick up the pace! We're almost there!" It was only a short amount of time until they reached the store. Busting open the doors the captain follows the trail until he catches up with Cadence. Seeing the attacker he shoulders his weapon but doesn't fire, "Lunar Guard, drop your weapon!"

The sight of the Lunar Guard doesn't make things less tense as the assailant holding Nivalia hostage yells out again. "Stop right there! If you want her alive you better drop yours!"


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Re: Escalation
« Reply #39 on: October 05, 2015, 10:16:08 pm »
The trio of Equinox picked up the pace, they peered entered the building, where they saw a pegasus holding a mare with a knife against his neck. He then tells the two lieutenants "Stay with the others, I'm going to try and sneak around him." In doing so, he quietly flies up to the top of the building and looks down the hole. He then silently makes his way inside. Getting out one of his throwing knives, he waits for the best moment to throw his knife, waiting for Ebony, Cadence, anyone to give him a signal to let him throw his knife.
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Re: Escalation
« Reply #40 on: October 06, 2015, 05:27:37 am »
Tinder runs along behind all of them,  when she gets to the shop and sees what's going on she let's out a little gasp. Becoming quite worried that Foxtrot is somewhere in there, she reaches back into her bag with her magic, grabbing one of the two daggers she had hidden in there. Lining up her shot and waiting to get the perfect clear shot, resisting the urge to run in there and look for her friend.

Ebony Coldsteel

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Re: Escalation
« Reply #41 on: October 06, 2015, 08:36:54 am »
With the additional guards now arriving, the assailant takes a step back, holding Nivalia tighter to keep anyone from getting a clear shot. "I said drop your weapons! If I have to repeat myself one more time the bug gets it!"

The captain takes a deep breath, "Alright, everyone stand down!" He slowly lowers his crossbow, keeping only one of his daggers on hoof. "Easy now, no one has to get hurt." He takes a step further, keeping an eye on Nivalia. "Maybe we're looking for the same thing, the same pony."

The assailant laughs, "Really? You mean Foxtrot? Let me tell you something, he's part of a greater plan than even he realizes, and the boss wants to cash in. So if nopony here tells me where the he'll he is, I'm going to start cutting!"


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Re: Escalation
« Reply #42 on: October 06, 2015, 08:51:20 am »
Throughout the whole ordeal, Nivalia keeps an eye on Ebony, knowing full well why he's holding just one dagger. She glances to her left, then back to the noctral as she struggles again to break free. "We don't know where he is!"

The pegasus looks over to her, "Well then, you've outlived your usefulness." He draws the blade closer to her neck, the steel mere inches away before Nivalia suddenly teleported out of his hooves.

Caught off guard, the assailant hesitates his next move; an error Ebony exploits fully. The Lunar Guard points the tip of his dagger at the attackers leg; with a click the blade shoots from the holster, impacting its target and knocking the assailant to his knees. A green flash of light pops up next to him, Nivalia appearing with her hind hooves drawn back. With a swift kick she knocks the pegasus several feet into the air, sending him crashing into a row of plants. He twitches a few times and becomes still, unconscious from the blow to the head.

Nivalia sits down, almost collapsing from the exertion of energy. "Hot Damn that was close."


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Re: Escalation
« Reply #43 on: October 06, 2015, 09:14:08 am »
Watching from behind as the situation unfolds, still with his throwing knife drawn, waiting for his chance, even though Ebony told everyone to stand down. He then noticed that the Changeling that he saw earlier was preparing a spell of some sort, he took aim at the assailants lower back, near his spine. In an instant the Changeling disappears. With the assailant hesitating with his next move he lets the knife fly, at the exact time Ebony fired his crossbow. Both shots hit their mark has the assailant is brought to his knees. The Changeling appears right next to him and kicks him so hard that he's sent flying. Towards him. Ducking out of his way as he watches the stallion fly through the air as he lands on a row of plants 'Damn, that's gotta hurt'. Realizing the ordeal is over, he then makes his way to the rest of the group. Going up to his lieutenants he says "Secure him and check the rest of the building for anypony else." As they both go off, he makes his way to the Changeling, completely ignoring the fact that she's, well, a Changeling "Are you alright? You look like you're gonna pass out." He asks her.
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Re: Escalation
« Reply #44 on: October 06, 2015, 02:45:51 pm »
Tinder had put her own dagger down when she was told to back down, just standing back and letting everything take place in front of her. When the situation has calmed down she puts the dagger back in her bag and grabs her pill bottle, taking a couple before putting it back. She slowly wanders over to where they are all standing and looks at all of them before moving over closer to Niv, not really comfy with being in the midst of all these guards, but she needs to know if this person knows where her friend is.