Broadshield trotted through the streets of Canterlot, which he noticed were a bit quieter than usual. Not being on active service at the moment had been a blessing and a curse. One one hand he could spend his days gaming, or even drawing up schematics for new weapons uninterrupted. On the other hand, there were days where he would for some reason be unable to game or stay in his workshop, and wonder aimlessly around trying to get over his creative bloc as he called it, as well as being annoyed at himself for wasting time. Today was one of those days. After some time wandering around Canterlot, he found himself at the front of Sweet and Savory Bakery. 'Sweet and Savory Bakery? Sounds promising.' He said to himself as he opened the door.
As he entered, he saw the Princess of Love and ruler of the Crystal Empire, Princess Cadence ordering food as if she were any other pony. He then noticed the stallion serving him. 'He looks and talks like any other normal pony, but I can't help but feel suspicious about him,' he said to himself. His stomach began to growl indicating that he probably needed to eat. 'I'm probably being paranoid. Probably just need to eat.' He said to himself. As he began to line up, he suddenly remembered about the Princess. "Princess Cadence, I didn't expect to find you here" he said as he saluted the Princess.