Author Topic: Sweet and Savoury Bakery  (Read 13682 times)

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Princess Cadance

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Re: Sweet and Savoury Bakery
« Reply #15 on: July 30, 2015, 07:33:19 pm »
"That sounds delicious! I'll take two of those for here... Hopefully Princess Celestia will show up soon." She glanced out the window. "How much do I owe you?"

Choc Pretzel

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Re: Sweet and Savoury Bakery
« Reply #16 on: July 31, 2015, 03:20:37 am »
At the mention of Princess Celestia, Choc's legs locked up. Willing himself to move, he walked over to the display case and grabbed out the donuts. "That'll be four bits Princess. Hope you enjoy."
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Octavia Melody

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Re: Sweet and Savoury Bakery
« Reply #17 on: July 31, 2015, 10:44:30 am »
Octavia watching as the situation cooled down. The tension in the air lifted, and it seemed like the excitement was over. She went back to her breakfast, alternating sips of her tea and a bite of her croissant. She didn't see any reason to stay any longer then necessary, since she saw Princess Celestia more often then most ponies, what with working for her and all. She finished off her breakfast, then headed out the door with a quick wave.
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Re: Sweet and Savoury Bakery
« Reply #18 on: August 01, 2015, 12:23:29 am »
Broadshield trotted through the streets of Canterlot, which he noticed were a bit quieter than usual. Not being on active service at the moment had been a blessing and a curse. One one hand he could spend his days gaming, or even drawing up schematics for new weapons uninterrupted. On the other hand, there were days where he would for some reason be unable to game or stay in his workshop, and wonder aimlessly around trying to get over his creative bloc as he called it, as well as being annoyed at himself for wasting time. Today was one of those days. After some time wandering around Canterlot, he found himself at the front of Sweet and Savory Bakery. 'Sweet and Savory Bakery? Sounds promising.' He said to himself as he opened the door.

As he entered, he saw the Princess of Love and ruler of the Crystal Empire, Princess Cadence ordering food as if she were any other pony. He then noticed the stallion serving him. 'He looks and talks like any other normal pony, but I can't help but feel suspicious about him,' he said to himself. His stomach began to growl indicating that he probably needed to eat. 'I'm probably being paranoid. Probably just need to eat.' He said to himself. As he began to line up, he suddenly remembered about the Princess. "Princess Cadence, I didn't expect to find you here" he said as he saluted the Princess.
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Princess Cadance

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Re: Sweet and Savoury Bakery
« Reply #19 on: August 01, 2015, 08:10:40 pm »
"No need for anything formal, I'm trying to take a bit of a vacation from being a princess, but thank you!" She gave the red stallion a smile.

Then, the Cadance turned back to Choc. "Thank you." Her horn glowed as she took the donuts and floated 10 bits over to him. "Sorry if I startled you. I didn't mean to show up unplanned. Keep the change."

The princess of love trotted over to a seat and sat patiently.

Choc Pretzel

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Re: Sweet and Savoury Bakery
« Reply #20 on: August 01, 2015, 11:42:47 pm »
Choc grabbed the bits in his magic, opened the register and put them away. "Enjoy your donuts Princess." Choc then turned to the red pegasus who was next in line. From his stance, and the way he interacted with Princess Cadance, he seemed to be a member of the military. "Welcome to SnS bakery sir, what would you like?" Choc asked the stallion.
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Re: Sweet and Savoury Bakery
« Reply #21 on: August 02, 2015, 06:15:59 pm »
After the Princess had left, Broadshield moved up the queue to the stallion serving him. "Hi, I was just wondering if you have any apple and cinnamon muffins?" he asked. Standing in front of the stallion he could get a closer look at him. 'He's like any other pony, but there's something about him...' He thought to himself as he waited for his answer. He then noticed a tiny sparkle above his horn, the sign of one secretly preparing a spell. 'What's he doing? Better wait and see.' he said to himself.
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Choc Pretzel

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Re: Sweet and Savoury Bakery
« Reply #22 on: August 03, 2015, 07:36:26 am »
Choc started to relax a bit more, eventually deciding to stop his teleport preparations seeing how the tension in the room was settling down. As the stallion at the counter spoke, Choc kept an eye on the Princess, who was sitting at her table quietly, waiting for someone who Choc dreaded seeing. Once the stallion finished speaking, Choc searched through the catalogue of baked goods in his head, looking for the muffin in question. "We should have some apple and cinnamon muffins over in the display case. They aren't our most popular item, but we stock 'em anyway. How many do you want?" Choc asked the stallion.
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Re: Sweet and Savoury Bakery
« Reply #23 on: August 03, 2015, 08:43:11 am »
Now sensing the the stallion serving him had stopped preparing the spell, and whatever tension was in the room started to settle, Broadshield began to relax a little bit. "Oh, uh, I'll take 2 of those muffins thanks." he answered. Even though everything seemed normal and he began to relax, Broadshield couldn't help but still feel a little bit suspicious about the stallion. 'Hmm, he may be a normal pony, but there's something about him that doesn't seem right with me. I better keep an eye on him.' he said to himself, trying not to act suspicious himself.
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Princess Celestia

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Re: Sweet and Savoury Bakery
« Reply #24 on: August 03, 2015, 02:57:55 pm »
The door opened and in walked the Princess of the Sun. She looked as calm and serene as ever, though inwardly she was the tiniest bit frazzled. It had taken longer than expected to greet and answer the questions of all the ponies who had swarmed the two princesses. Celestia knew Cadance had just wanted a day off, a day to relax. Hopefully things would go a bit more smoothly from here on out. She looked around, giving everyone in the bakery a personable smile before she caught sight of Cadance and made her way over. “I’m sorry I took so long, more ponies just kept coming,” she apologized to Cadance. She eyed one of the donuts sitting on the table, and her stomach rumbled rather loudly. Celestia chuckled slightly. “It looks like my stomach agrees with your choice of this place."

Princess Cadance

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Re: Sweet and Savoury Bakery
« Reply #25 on: August 03, 2015, 03:51:31 pm »
"Glad to see that you made it in one piece." She joked. "Can't wait to try it, I have been staring at it for a few minutes." She levitated the donut up to her mouth and took a bite. The flavor exploded in her mouth. "Mmmm! This donut is even better than some of the ones I have had at Joe's."


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Re: Sweet and Savoury Bakery
« Reply #26 on: August 04, 2015, 02:40:06 am »
As the door opened behind him, Broadshield turned around only to find Celestia, ruler of all of Equestria at the door, looking as regal and serene as always. Out of courteousy, he gave a small salute to the Princess, who then trotted over to the table where Princess Cadence was waiting. He then turned around to the stallion serving him and said, "Not everyday do you get not one, but two princesses enter your bakery huh? How much do I owe you?"
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Choc Pretzel

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Re: Sweet and Savoury Bakery
« Reply #27 on: August 05, 2015, 02:30:53 am »
Choc grabbed the two muffins with his magic, just as Princes Celestia entered the room. Having proir knowlege that Celestia was on her way here was the only reason Choc didn't shift into one of his more agile forms. He couldn't, however, stop himself from flinching for a second, before placing the two mufuns on the counter. "Th-that'll be five bits." Choc managed to stammer out. As he spoke, he prayed that he wouldn't shift on accident. Luckily, Choc had practised this scenario in his apartment, and would be able to prevent himself from shifting. Probably. Luckily the other two Princesses weren't here otherwise he would have accidently shifted for sure.
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Re: Sweet and Savoury Bakery
« Reply #28 on: August 05, 2015, 07:20:41 am »
Noticing the stallions stammering and nervousness, but deciding not to push, he pushed 5 bits to the stallion and took the 2 muffins. "Thanks for the muffins!" he said. Broadshield then trotted to the table between the cashier and the princess, having his guard instincts subconsciously kick in. He then proceeded to eat his muffin waiting to see what would happen next.
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Princess Celestia

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Re: Sweet and Savoury Bakery
« Reply #29 on: August 05, 2015, 01:38:27 pm »
Celestia smiled. "It was a touch and go for awhile," she joked back. She took a seat. "Thank you for waiting, hopefully we won't get swarmed anymore today," she said, then levitated the other donut. She took an experimental bite, and her eyes widened. "This is wonderful!" The flavor wasn't like any she had at her favorite donut shop, but it was delicious. "Don't tell Joe, you know how sensitive he can get about his donuts," she remarked before taking another bite.

Constantly aware of the happenings around her, her ear swiveled towards the cashier. He was quite nervous, that much was clear. Celestia hoped it wasn't because of her, but she had a sneaking feeling it was. Her subjects sometimes seemed to get irrationally nervous around her, and it saddened Celestia slightly. She quickly decided the best course of action was to leave the poor stallion be and hope he'd calm down.