Forum > Dueling is Magic
[In Combat] Crystal fields arena - Broadshield vs Solar Flare
Solar Flare:
Arena: The remains of a massive floating crystal platform. What was once a smooth arena a hundred feet across has been splintered, with long cracks slicing their way across in various places, leaving the arena split into smaller pieces. What remains of the wall stands ten feet high, topped with razor-sharp crystal spikes. Similar spikes can be found in several locations on the field. The sun shines brightly down above, and below is a ten-thousand foot drop. The chunks of ground sometimes shift, split further, or even fall.
Challenger: Solar Flare. A Pegasus with permanently crystal wings. Possesses great physical strength, but can't fly very quickly. Largely uses light as his weapon, but also comes equipped with a self-designed crossbow that can shoot hoof-sized crystal shards as fast as a normal bolt.
Sun spot: precisely uses his wings to reflect light down in a small point at his target, to burn, cut, or melt like a laser. Only lasts a few seconds before he falls from the sky or has to flat his wings again.
Solar flare: uses both wings focused widely on a pony to blind them, if he catches them with their eyes open directly, the power of visoni lasts for several minutes, reflection off the ground or closed eyes only lasts a few seconds. This can be done while flying.
Physical attacks: uses his wings as clubs, as well as basic hoof combat, like punching.
Crossbow bolt: comes preloaded with one shot, but can fire any chunks of crystal he comes upon. Highly accurate, highly piercing, fairly slow.
His wings and back are all hard crystal, which cannot be pierced but can be shattered with enough force. The rest of his body remains un-protected.
Challenger: Broadshield. An ex-Equestrian military Corporal, now a member of Special Forces Team Equinox. Is incredibly agile in the air, and is proficient in wielding any weapon, as well as using anything he can find against his opponents, possesses average amount of physical strength, as well as average stamina. Not as fast on the ground on hoof. Currently wields a katana from Neighpon as well as some knives, used as throwing knives.
CQC: Close Quarters Combat, a mix of various fighting styles used to subdue and even kill opponents.
Weapons: Proficient in using any weapon, can even use whatever is around him as a makeshift weapon.
Environmental thrust: Uses any part of an environment as a launch pad, to dramatically increase his launch speed into the air, or even into his opponents.
Other information: Uses Equinox standard armour, which is made using the same metal used with Equestrian military armour, as well as dragon scales. As such, it offers large amounts of protection for the user from physical and magical attacks, but if damaged enough, will break.
"I am Broadshield, ex-Equestrian military corporal, I accept your challenge!"
(OORP: Don't know whether you can interact before/after duels, so take that with a grain of salt)
Solar Flare:
(Alright, I changed my mind. Also, I suspect we can do as little or as much interacting whenever we want.)
I, Solar Flare, accept the challenge put forth by Broadshield. As the challenger to this arena, you may have the first combat move, I'll just set the scene.
Solar flare squinted at his opponent on the other side of the arena. They were on opposite sides, on two of the larger fragments of crystal. Solar readied his crossbow, making sure it was loaded and ready to fire. His opponent wore gleaming armour that reflected the sun beautifully, and was holding a long metal blade, the likes of with which Solar was not familiar. He felt the ground shift slightly beneath his hooves, and he looked around to make sure he wasn't falling out of the sky just yet. Up in the sky, there were a series of three lights. It was currently on red. When it blinked to green, the fight would begin.
"Ready?" It blinked red.
"Set?" It blinked yellow.
"GO!" And it went green.
Broadshield readied himself, as well as his weapons, still sheathed. Analyzing the situation, as well as his opponent and his wings, it was probably good to get altitude, better safe than sorry.
"Ready?" It blinked red.
"Set?" It blinked yellow.
"GO!" And it went green.
The second the light went green, he galloped straight to the nearest crystal and launched off it, rocketing into the air. As soon as he stopped gaining altitude, he spread out his wings and started flapping to maintain altitude, as he looked down to see what his opponent would do.
(Sorry for late post, busy with stuff)
Solar Flare:
Solar Flare tensed up as his opponent charged, watching cautiously as the stallion shot into the air. Once his height peaked out, the red stallion hovered above, an occasional flap of his wings keeping him relatively steady. Solar flare tightened his grip on his crossbow, planning out a shot.
'Alright, so I know he's an elite soldier, so he probably does a lot of combat things instinctively, at this point. Now, he knows that he can't suddenly drop to avoid a shot, so he won't go down. He probably also knows that moving rapidly up would strain his wings greatly, and take a lot of energy, so he probably won't go up. All I have to do is determine whether he's the kind of pony who would move towards his heavy side and use gravity to assist him, at the chance of losing control for a moment, or whether he'll move away to keep balanced, but be a slight bit slower. Since he didn't attack right off, he's probably the defense type, which means he won't take a ton of risks. So, he'll move away from his sword. Which means, I need to aim to his right slightly.' Solar thought, keeping an eye on his opponent to make sure he didn't miss anything. He readied his grip on the trigger, took a deep breath, and, a second later, brought his crossbow up as fast as he could, took aim, and shot just to the right of the stallion.
(I'm assuming he's right hoof dominant and that the katana is attached to his left side so as to be drawn with his right hoof, sorry if that's not true.)
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