Author Topic: Fields Outside the Crystal Empire - Princess Cadance v. Sadowi  (Read 1672 times)

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Princess Cadance

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"I guess you haven't heard the news." Cadance stamped her hoof down. "I will be having a foal." She gave Sadowi a quizzical look. "You? I love my Shining Amor, you are asking the Princess of Love if she is willing to abandon the stallion she loves in her life? Don't be stupid.'


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Sadowi threw both of his swords into the air in surprise. "Well now, it's about bloody damned time. It only took, what, two years? three years?
"'Tis too bad, really. Your love means nothing if you only love him in life,"
he snickered. His right forehoof suddenly disappeared in a blur, and his barbed sinkhook flew straight towards Cadance, whistling as it cut through the air. "Mebbe you'd join me in death!"
"It is so much easier to live placidly and complacently. Of course, to live placidly and complacently is not to live at all." -Jack London

Princess Cadance

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"Love isn't only between a stallion and mare." SHe flinched and aught off guard as the sink hook sped towards her. As she tried to move out of the way, the hook still caught the side of her front left leg. She quickly grabbed it as it began to bleed.


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He nodded his head once in agreement, then, as he stood on his hind legs, knees bent for better balance or prepared to leap at half a moment's notice, yanked his forehoof back, stretching taut the line and pulling his sword back to him. "Yeah, you're right, lovely. Now come 'ere!
"It is so much easier to live placidly and complacently. Of course, to live placidly and complacently is not to live at all." -Jack London

Princess Cadance

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While Cadance was being dragged she used an energy beam to attempt to break the line.


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Sadowi eased his pulling, releasing the tension on the wire and allowing the princess' momentum generated by her objectively greater mass bring her to him. The wire heated and sizzled and glowed a little as it thinned, too slowly to allow escape, it purposed to tie down whales and other leviathans of the deep. "It's working, Cadance, but it's not gonna work to get you free. You're mine now, my pretty!"
"It is so much easier to live placidly and complacently. Of course, to live placidly and complacently is not to live at all." -Jack London

Princess Cadance

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Cadance tried taking off with a jolt as the blade ripped out of her causing her to scream and crash land a bit farther away from Sadowi. At this point she was dragging herself farther away from her enemy in attempt to recover.


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With a sigh befitting a child of a noble who did not get what he desired, Sadowi reeled up his off hoof weapon and stood at parade rest, patience wearing thin as he waited for Cadance to stand back up. "Come on, Princess. You have to do better than that. A lot better. We're this close to your queendom, this close to your heart of glass situated on its pedestal, and you can't even muster or gather the strength to...I dunno, maybe beat me in a fight? Where'd the power of love go, eh?"
"It is so much easier to live placidly and complacently. Of course, to live placidly and complacently is not to live at all." -Jack London

Princess Cadance

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Cadance grunted trying to pick herself up. It was true, she had been through worse fights, but she had the love and support of her beloved husband in those fights. But he was right, she couldn't go down this easily. The princess finally managed to pick herself up. She took to the sky and nearly disappeared before coming down surrounded by a pink aurora aiming straight for Sadowi. She was basically sitting in her own laser blast coming down like a meteor.


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Sadowi jumped to avoid getting roasted and or or flattened by Cadance the meteorite, leaning extremely back and stretching out his forelegs. The ground sank or disappeared from under his vision and all he saw was the sky until the ground shot back up from the top of his vision and stopped at around where it normally should be. His fore hooves brushed the grass, soft as velvet, and he savoured the caresses they gave to his nail before he pushed off the ground again, this time bending himself forward and stretching his hindlegs, all the while watching the pink comet that was Cadance.
« Last Edit: October 26, 2015, 11:12:23 am by Sadowi »
"It is so much easier to live placidly and complacently. Of course, to live placidly and complacently is not to live at all." -Jack London