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Topics - Photofinish

Pages: [1]
Canterlot / Picture Perfect
« on: August 21, 2015, 05:15:21 am »
((Lyra, Nivalia and Bolt reserved as models. Anyone else is welcome to join if you so wish; spectator roles only. Thank you~))

A certain celebrity was standing upon a small platform carried by two very well groomed stallions through the streets of Canterlot. Photofinish was tapping her hoof impatiently on the wood as she looked about her surroundings. She was lacking inspiration -  whilst on a deadline, despite having her entourage following her with costumes, manestylists, make up artists and so on.
"Schurely somepony can schow Photofinisch somesing!" she exclaimed out of frustration, "I just need one more..."

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