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Messages - Ocean Spray

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Ocean begins to grin as he sees the black pony confirm his suspicions that there was another shifter nearby. Now, to try and find a way to talk to them without being arrested. Ocean looked around, and seeing no other options, decides to do a quick shift. Ocean's form changes into a chocolate brown, as his wings faded away and a horn replaced them. Seeing that the other shifter was interested, the newly shifted Choc mouths the word 'follow' to them, before walking off into an alleyway.

((OOC: Man I have kept this waiting a while.))

Ocean looked on with the rest of the crowd as a battle raged overhead. Not bothering to stay in disguise anymore, Ocean scanned the tower for any signs of the pony he had seen on the way in. Slowly making his way to the wall of riot shields blocking the crowd from the military type ponies running around at the foot of the building, Ocean looks on in horror as five strechers are taken out of the building, three of which were covered with "dead body sheets". The other two held the military pony from the train and the strange colourful mare, both looking like they had been bashed with the blunt end of a Minotaur warhammer. There she is... I wonder if I'll be able to find a way to talk to her. Ocean thought to himself as he scanned the wall of riot shields, looking for a weak point.

Areas that are not CHS or CPA / Re: Down to Business
« on: December 26, 2015, 06:50:20 pm »
Ocean moved to where one of the other groups is standing, and swiftly decapitates one of the guards, before firing shots into the remaining guards heads and chests. Ocean then broke for cover behind a pillar, and started taking potshots at guards from his cover.

Events / Re: Hearth's Warming Eve/ Day
« on: December 24, 2015, 06:20:39 pm »
Ocean turned around to face the door when he heard the bell. Seeing Cadance walk in, he quickly ducked under the counter. Just what I needed. One of the princesses finding me out. I could shift, but she'll be suspicious, or I could go as I am and risk being found out. Ocean thought frantically. You know what, screw it. It's Hearth's Warming Eve. She should be a little forgiving. Let's just be happy it's not the Royal sisters or Twilight. Ocean popped up from behind the counter with a forced smile. "Uhh...h-hey Princess. What brings you to Sweet and Savoury Bakery?"

Events / Re: Hearth's Warming Eve/ Day
« on: December 24, 2015, 01:40:46 pm »
Ocean walks through Ponyville looking for his parents. It's been a few years since he last saw them face to face, and he wanted to let them know that he was still alive, as some sort of Christmas Eve gift. Most ponies paid him no heed, which honestly surprised him after his history in the town. He reached his old family home to find the windows are boarded up and the garden in complete disarray. What happened... where's my family? Ocean thought franticly. Ocean then starts to ask ponies where the old couple from this house have gone, to which most replied, "They moved far away."

Ocean reluctantly returns to Canterlot on the train, with a look of defeat. I can't believe it. They're gone. Ocean walks across town to his bakery, not bothering to shift forms as he saw no point to it.

Somewhere Else Inside or Outside of Equestria / Re: Highrise Showdown
« on: December 17, 2015, 06:12:40 pm »
Ocean, having followed the group from the Equinox base, snuck around behind the group with a smirk on his face. Okay, these guys mean business. I wonder what there up too. Ocean scanned the group, until he spotted Pastel. Woah. Strange sense of deja vu there. That colourful mare seems familiar... Ocean thought to himself.

Areas that are not CHS or CPA / Re: Down to Business
« on: December 08, 2015, 08:56:50 am »
Ocean moved from behind Broadshield towards a seat, flipping it over slowly and hiding behind it. "So, I think you just push the button." Ocean says to Broadshield, before pressing the button and throwing his box in the centre of a group of guards.

Areas that are not CHS or CPA / Re: Down to Business
« on: December 04, 2015, 11:31:42 pm »
Ocean reloads his pistol, then grabs an earpiece. "All clear. See you on the other side, Morg." Ocean said as he turned to head towards their new objective.

Areas that are not CHS or CPA / Re: Down to Business
« on: December 01, 2015, 03:48:25 am »
Ocean pulled out his gun in his left hand, and his knife in his right. He quickly moved from inside the elevator towards one corner of the room, letting out quick shots into the kneecaps of five of the guards, then swiftly knocking them out with the handle of his dagger. "There's your five. Clear the floor, guys." Ocean said as he handcuffed the new prisoners.

Areas that are not CHS or CPA / Re: Down to Business
« on: November 28, 2015, 12:55:35 am »
Ocean walks into the elevator with a cocky smirk on his face. Saying nothing, he just stands there, mentally preparing himself for what waits them at the top of the elevator.

Areas that are not CHS or CPA / Re: Down to Business
« on: November 26, 2015, 06:08:36 am »
" a big gun." Ocean aid, feeling slightly insignificant. "If you blow me up, I swear I will shove this dagger SO far up your ass you'll be tasting the vegemite I put on my toast this morning." Turning to the rest of the group, he noticed at least one odd look. "What? These daggers make great butter knifes."

Somewhere Else Inside or Outside of Equestria / Re: Siege of Manehattan
« on: November 26, 2015, 06:05:33 am »
Ocean shifted back as the group entered the complex. "Well ****. Armed guards." Ocean muttered under his breath. "This isn't worth the risk. I'll hang out here for now, wait until they exit, then follow from there. That is, if they even use his exit." Ocean flew up onto a nearby shipping container, and settled in to stake out the doorway, looking for any signs of movement from the guards.

Areas that are not CHS or CPA / Re: Down to Business
« on: November 25, 2015, 03:51:28 am »
Ocean pulled out one of his daggers and offered it to Insta. "Here, you can use this for close quarters stuff. I can manage with just the one anyway." Ocean hopped out of the car, and slid on a pair of sunglasses, which had a special HUD with an approximate map of the complex's exterior, and a special infrared setting. "Just in case..." Ocean muttered to himself as he straightened up and walked next to Broadshield.

Areas that are not CHS or CPA / Re: Down to Business
« on: November 24, 2015, 03:08:24 pm »
"Donuts sound perfect, but we gotta get through today first." Ocean gave his ring a final twist as he spoke.

Areas that are not CHS or CPA / Re: Down to Business
« on: November 22, 2015, 05:19:48 pm »
Ocean re-ajusted his kevlar vest for the hundredth time, checking every aspect to make sure it was on correctly. "Still can't believe they wouldn't give my that surfboard-gun..." Ocean muttered under his breath. Ocean pulled out the two daggers that he had been given, checking if they were sharp enough. Ocean then checked his pistol, a Beretta M9 with a silencer attachment and waves painted on either side, making sure the gun was loaded. "Its times like this that paranoia is actually pretty useful." Doing a final check of his kevlar vest, he **** his fingers, and adjusted the silver ring on his right hand, which had a set of three waves on it, similar to Metal's, which was a bronze ring with a pair of headphones, and Choc's, which was a gold ring with a pretzel. "Ok, I think I'm ready. I'll keep the gun holstered until we end up with someone attacking us from a distance, like I promised, and I'll try not to shoot anybody this time."

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