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Messages - Princess Cadance

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Canterlot / Re: Revelation
« on: October 10, 2015, 08:41:09 pm »
The Princess of Love was slightly afraid of the threat but she was fully capable of protecting the group need be. "Samiel realize what you are doing. You wouldn't kill us. I don't think you realize how many high officials you are dealing with right now." Cadance took a step forward. "Killing one of us would start more unnecessary conflict. So lets just calm down and as Broadshield said, maybe find a way to work together on this."

Canterlot / Re: Revelation
« on: October 10, 2015, 03:42:45 pm »
"Okay Mr. Sirocco lets just stay calm for now. Like Broad asked let's just find out who you are talking about here..." Cadance calmly asked. She sensed a bit of dishonestly but didn't call him out on it.

Canterlot / Re: Revelation
« on: October 09, 2015, 12:37:25 am »
"I'm there with you Broadshield. This place is a bit creepy." Cadance shivered. "Yeah, why the cemetery?"

Canterlot / Re: Escalation
« on: October 07, 2015, 09:40:46 pm »
"We need to get going quickly right? The cemetery. Was that intruder looking for Foxtrot too?"  Cadance asked extending her wings out.

Canterlot / Re: Escalation
« on: October 06, 2015, 11:43:59 pm »
"Pleasure to meet you Nivalia." Cadance responded. "Well I certainly don't have the happiest memories dealing with changelings..." Cadane gave a smile though. "But I hate to stereotype ponies just because of their looks."

Canterlot / Re: Escalation
« on: October 06, 2015, 07:21:23 pm »
Cadance walked up t Niv. "I hope you are alright." The princess paused. "You... were the changeling we saw earlier in Choc's bakery right?" She asked curiously.

Canterlot / Re: Escalation
« on: October 05, 2015, 10:10:09 pm »
"Lets take it easy buddy." Cadance slowly walked over. "No need to be hostile... just let the poor changeling go..." The alicorn took a few more steps cautiously.

Canterlot / Re: Escalation
« on: October 05, 2015, 09:32:13 pm »
The princess readied her horn for a spell that would disable any possible hostiles as she nervously walked deeper into the store.There she saw Nivalia in a fight with another stallion. The princess stood shocked though. "Was that the same changeling I saw at the shop earlier?" She whispered to herself.

Canterlot / Re: Escalation
« on: October 04, 2015, 08:28:36 pm »
Cadance took off at a low hover next to Ebony.
"You lead them there. I will fly ahead and check things out for myself. I think I know what place you are talking about." Wihtout waiting for a response she flew up and ahead towards the destination.

Landing there, the alicorn quickly headed inside.
"Hello? Is anypony here ?"

Canterlot / Re: Escalation
« on: October 03, 2015, 09:28:18 pm »
"Goodness... Celestia has been buried with paperwork..." The princess then nodded. "I will help you then. This is for the sake of saving thousands of lives."

"Cadance we cannot allow you to be in danger!" The assistant argued.

"You go back to take care of the rest of the duties in this castle. I can handle myself." Cadance said in a determined voice. "That is an order."

"But... fine..." The assistant walked out of the room.

"Let's not waste time. Broadshield has a good lead it seems like. I am new to this whole situation so I will listen to you Captain." Cadance gave a slight bow.

Canterlot / Re: Escalation
« on: October 01, 2015, 11:52:19 pm »
"Mrs. Amore Cadenza are you sure you want to be taking over some duties for Celestia?" A pony with glasses levitating a clip board in front of her asked.

"Yes I'm sure. Please, you can call me Cadance and Celestia is buried with paperwork and I am here to help her out. So I will, whatever that task might be I'll get it done," Cadnace's horn glowed as she enters the room with Ebony, Tinder, and Broadshield.

"Captain," She nods at Ebony. "What... is going on here?"

Rules of the Site / Re: Frequently Asked Questions
« on: September 18, 2015, 09:07:15 pm »
Updated with another common question I was asked.

If you want to join/leave this board, simply post that your OC went through this portal. He/she could already know how to walk and how this world functions, or he/she could not. Up to you! Remember, you can be in this board and another main board at the same time! When you want to leave this world, this is your exit as well. Hold off on major RPing on this thread though, if you want to interact, make another thread. Those who wish to play the human counterpart (didn't go through a portal) don't need to be in this thread. They also should not have any knowledge of pony Equestria. How do you know which character is from Equestria and which one is from the human world? Thats up to you to find out! Have fun!

DO NOT BRING HUMAN COUNTERPARTS INTO EQUESTRIA TO MAKE DUPLICATES. LIKE THE MOVIE, THIS BOARD IS SEPARATE FROM THE FORUM'S CANON. You can mention the portal but no way do you bring a character originally from their world back to the pony world.

Book of Ideas / Re: Human/EQG Board
« on: August 29, 2015, 11:07:45 pm »
Check the description of the EQG board, I might've answered your request before I saw this XD

Characters / Re: Guidelines of Creating Characters
« on: August 17, 2015, 04:59:49 pm »
A few updates.

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