Foxtrot takes short breaths as he exits the woods on the outskirts of Ponyville. The sky is clear and full of stars, a crescent moon occupying the expanse as well. Looking around, the brown unicorn trots across the field onto the first worn path in town; everything is quiet, the streets empty of residents as well. He walks to the side of a nearby house and sits down, resting his back against the building's wall he pulls out his canteen by hoof and takes a gulp of water. "Alright Fox, just find a place to stay for tonite, then get to the station in the morning; easy as cake." Some distance away, shouting can be heard as a party searching for him reach the field a short distance away. Sighing in annoyance, Foxtrot pushes himself back up to his hooves, slowly but surely making his way further into town. His gear is light; a backpack, guitar, and machete accompany the stallion as he strolls through the streets of Ponyville, keeping an eye out for anyplace he can hide for the night.