Author Topic: The Nightly Run (Reserved for Tinder)  (Read 2671 times)

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The Nightly Run (Reserved for Tinder)
« on: August 09, 2015, 09:34:30 pm »
Foxtrot takes short breaths as he exits the woods on the outskirts of Ponyville. The sky is clear and full of stars, a crescent moon occupying the expanse as well. Looking around, the brown unicorn trots across the field onto the first worn path in town; everything is quiet, the streets empty of residents as well. He walks to the side of a nearby house and sits down, resting his back against the building's wall he pulls out his canteen by hoof and takes a gulp of water. "Alright Fox, just find a place to stay for tonite, then get to the station in the morning; easy as cake." Some distance away, shouting can be heard as a party searching for him reach the field a short distance away. Sighing in annoyance, Foxtrot pushes himself back up to his hooves, slowly but surely making his way further into town. His gear is light; a backpack, guitar, and machete accompany the stallion as he strolls through the streets of Ponyville, keeping an eye out for anyplace he can hide for the night.
« Last Edit: August 09, 2015, 09:37:02 pm by Foxtrot »
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Re: The Nightly Run (Reserved for Tinder)
« Reply #1 on: August 09, 2015, 09:50:33 pm »
Tinder is out in front of her ran down apartment building pacing back and forth. She had spent the first bit of the night sitting in her bed, trying to force herself to sleep, but unfortunately for her it just wasn't working. So instead of spending the rest of the night in her house, doing nothing but staring at the ceiling, she decided to get out for a bit. So she tossed her bag on and went out to try to get some fresh air and maybe become tired enough to sleep. After pacing for a minute she realizes that there is no reason for her to be staying next to home like this, so off she goes, farther into town to get some air and perhaps even pick a couple pockets if anyone was out and about. Using a bit of magic to light up her horn enough to see where she's going, the dull yellow light illuminating her face and a bit of the road ahead.


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Re: The Nightly Run (Reserved for Tinder)
« Reply #2 on: August 10, 2015, 08:59:17 am »
Swerving through alleys, ducking through corners and bounding across the occasional roof, Foxtrot finds himself crossing the town in little time. About halfway though, he rounds a corner to find the group of ponies looking for him. Immediately he back pedals, unknowingly knocking over a trash can and gaining their attention. Not even waiting to see if they heard or not, the unicorn sprints away down the street. More concerned with who is behind him, Foxtrot fails to notice the mare in front of him until the last moment. Before colliding with her he spins away, losing his balance and landing against a cart. By now hoof steps in the distance become louder as the group chasing him start to get closer.
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Re: The Nightly Run (Reserved for Tinder)
« Reply #3 on: August 10, 2015, 05:11:17 pm »
Tinder walks down the street, pretty oblivious to the things around her as she focus' on the magic she is using to light up her way as well as using a bit to keep the air around her chilled a bit. She doesn't notice the pony running towards her until he gets quite close, and even then doesn't have time to react to him. She watches as he crashes in the cart and quickly makes her way over to him, mumbling to herself as she worries about this unknown pony. She stops the spell that is chilling the air and instead focus' more of her magic on just lighting up her horn to try to see if he is okay. When she hears the group that was chasing him she quickly turns off the light of her horn. She's been chased her fair share of times and she knows that lighting up the road like that won't help. So off goes the light and she starts to whisper at the pony, "I don't know what you did, but I don't really care either. My place isn't all that far from here, there is a empty next to mine, they'd have no reason to check there. Unless you want to get caught."


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Re: The Nightly Run (Reserved for Tinder)
« Reply #4 on: August 11, 2015, 10:28:43 am »
Foxtrot cringes as he tries to get up, his body already sore from all the running. He looks up to the mare and her words, and simply nods; normally he would formally introduce himself, but this wasn't a normal situation. With a muttered curse he finally pushes himself up from the busted cart and looks to where the group is coming from. "Thanks. Lead the way."
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Re: The Nightly Run (Reserved for Tinder)
« Reply #5 on: August 11, 2015, 12:36:07 pm »
Tinder smiles a little as she watches him get up, glad to see that he isn't seriously hurt. She turns back the way she came and decides that it's probably a good idea to light up a tiny bit of the road in front of them. So back on goes the light from her horn, though very low, just enough to light up right in front of them so they don't trip over anything. "It's this way." She says as she heads off towards her apartment building, her strides long as she tries to puts some distance between herself and the group chasing this unknown stallion, hoping that he will follow suit and keep up with her.


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Re: The Nightly Run (Reserved for Tinder)
« Reply #6 on: August 12, 2015, 08:13:51 am »
Without saying a word Foxtrot follows the mare as the group begins to fade away into the background. Some time passes and no shouts from them are heard, a sign that the two unicorns have lost their tails. Foxtrot looks around at the town around them, "Thanks again for that, I really appreciate it. My name is Foxtrot, by the way."
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Re: The Nightly Run (Reserved for Tinder)
« Reply #7 on: August 12, 2015, 11:07:05 am »
Tinder grins as she hears the sound of the group dissipate, lighting up her horn a bit more to light up the road now that the threat has passed. She continues to walk at the same speed though, not wanting to slow down, just in case the people aren't as far away as they seem. "It's nothing, least I could do to help out a pony in need. Name's Tinder. The building is only about 5 more minutes away if we keep up this speed."


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Re: The Nightly Run (Reserved for Tinder)
« Reply #8 on: August 12, 2015, 03:19:25 pm »
"5 minutes? That should be fine." Foxtrot replies as he follows in step with the mare. The sounds of the group had diminished to silence, leaving only the ambient sounds of the night. Foxtrot looks over his shoulder to ensure they weren't being tracked. "Hey Tinder, I appreciate the help, but I don't want to drag you into my ugly business. If these ponies show up for me, just walk or run away, or hide. They've gotten rather physical in our past confrontations and I don't want anypony getting hurt because of me."
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Re: The Nightly Run (Reserved for Tinder)
« Reply #9 on: August 12, 2015, 03:57:08 pm »
Tinder looks around as they walk, eventually becoming too warm and chilling to air around them with her magic. She glances over at him as she hears him say this and shakes her head, "Sorry, but no can do. I've been in my fair share of fights, I can hold my own if they come sniffing around my building. I'm not just gonna run at the first sign of trouble, I'll take care of myself and help you not get hurt."


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Re: The Nightly Run (Reserved for Tinder)
« Reply #10 on: August 12, 2015, 10:25:07 pm »
Foxtrot honestly was speechless for a moment when he heard those words, his pace slowing down ever so slightly before picking back up. "I-" he sighs, "Look Tinder, I appreciate the gesture. Heck, only two other ponies I know would ever do that; still, these are dangerous individuals." The unicorn looks up at the night sky, "Direct confrontation will not go well, not now. I can deal with them myself... after some rest... and a plan... and a second plan, should the first one mess up." Foxtrot looks over to Tinder, "I wish I can repay you for the help, but I'm not in the position where I can right now."
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Re: The Nightly Run (Reserved for Tinder)
« Reply #11 on: August 13, 2015, 03:36:42 pm »
Tinder glances back at him as he says this and gives a quick glare. "Listen, I don't care if it's dangerous to help you, I'm still going to do it. I've dealt with my fair share of really dangerous ponies in my life time, so I am going to protect you if I need to. I am not hiding from them." She turns back around to continue walking, "And don't worry about paying me back, I don't need payment for this."


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Re: The Nightly Run (Reserved for Tinder)
« Reply #12 on: August 13, 2015, 09:46:01 pm »
Foxtrot grins as he hears Tinder's words, "Alright, if you say so." He knew not to look a gift pony in the mouth, and simply nods in agreement. The unicorn feels a cold chill in the air. "Ice magic, I haven't seen a user of it in some time."
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Re: The Nightly Run (Reserved for Tinder)
« Reply #13 on: August 13, 2015, 09:58:37 pm »
Tinder smiles as Foxtrot finally stops trying to stop her, glad that she might actually be some help to him. She had forgot she was even chilling the air now, it had gotten to a nice temperature for her and just let the spell continue since she had no reason to stop it. "Yeah, it's a useful skill. Make my own weapons, cool down places, freeze things. Only downside to it is that I can hardly stand even normal temperatures now, everything needs to be cold or else my magic goes on the fritz and I become to warm to move." She chuckles a little as she turns the corner leading to her apartment building. The medium size building holds 4 apartments, 2 basement and 2 upstairs. The building is in awful shape, the paint is all peeling off the outside, windows are boarded up, the stairs to the upstairs apartments are broken and ****. Even from this distance it's easy to where the roof has been patched repeatedly by a tenant who really didn't know what he was doing. The two bottom doors have padlocks on them to keep them locked tight while the occupants are away.


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Re: The Nightly Run (Reserved for Tinder)
« Reply #14 on: August 13, 2015, 10:21:19 pm »
Foxtrot looks over to the apartment, noting it's features as Tinder points them out. "I see, well I'm going to count this as a step up. It's much better than having no roof at all." He looks over to the unicorn, "The magic sounds very useful as well, sucks about the temperature thing. Does chilling the air drain your magic quickly?"
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