On the ground, at the foot of the structure, sits the entire Equinox Manehatten Division. All of the Support Unit and most Combat Teams form an 100 meter perimeter, each of them holding riot shields to hold back the crowd of civilians trying to see what is going on. Further towards the building, there is a large Equinox tent set up, much like a makeshift Forward Operating Base. Inside holds several small rooms, separated by sheets. One room holds several foldout tables, with several ponies from the Intel Unit gathered around the tables. Each table has several files, papers and maps, fresh intelligence on the situation. There is also several radio stations used for intercepting radio transmissions from Equinox personnel, as well as attempting to intercept radio transmissions from all enemy combatants. Another room is a medical room. There are 5 raised up stretchers in the room, a few ponies from the Medical Unit are present. The majority of them looking after Broadshield and Monochrome/Pastel. The other 3 fallen soldiers are lying on the 3 stretchers, sheets covering their dead bodies. In a third room is a situation room of sorts. In the room there is one large foldout table with a large map of the area, along with various files of new intelligence. There is also a radio station used for intercepting radio transmissions from Equinox personnel. On occasion, ponies from the Recon team enter the room with new intelligence. Even with all the ponies present, one would have no problem allowing the rest of the team inside to talk.
On the radio, there is a flurry of voices heard, all reporting in on their situation. One pony sits on the radio listening to the activity.
"This is Combat Team Beta, we are in position with Gamma Team and Sigma Team in the southern sector, supporting the Support Unit soldiers present. We have too many civilians trying to get through and see what is happening, Can I have Lambda Team-" one voice is heard before the pony switches the channel to another channel.
"This is Recon Team Gemini, we have eyes on the roof, we have 4 targets on the building. We have eyes on Foxtrot and Yankee, and two other individuals and- OH S*** GET DOWN!" a voice is heard before gushes of wind and something zipping by are heard.
"This is Recon Team Leo, we have eyes on Tinder and Bravo, Bravo is down- crap! Tinder is down. Cannot confirm on her status, but she's down. How do we proceed?" yet another voice is heard
"This is Recon Team Taurus, we have eyes on two griffons. I think that would be Romeo and Juliet, they are both down. I can't see anyone with Romeo, but I see someone with Juliet. We may lose Juliet and Bravo, we need to move in and intercept, how copy?" another voice is heard before the radio is switched off. Writing down the important points from all transmissions, he makes his way to the medical wing. Handing the paper to Broadshield, he salutes him and walks off.
Taking the paper, he looks over it, reading everything. Watching as the medics finish patching him up, using a combination of common medicines, herbal remedies, and magic, the Equinox commander is ready to fight, but still sore. Taking his headset, he turns it on and starts speaking into the microphone.
"This is Command to Support Unit. I need you to divert all available Support and Combat soldiers to any necessary areas to help hold back the civilians, we can't have any casualties."
"Roger that Commander. I need-" the voice cuts out as another channel is opened up.
"This is Command to Gemini, get away from the roof, let them fight this out. I'm not letting any more soldiers get injured, over."
"This is Command to Leo, I'm making my way up there right now, hold position. Over."
"This is Command to Taurus, do not engage the one with Juliet, secure Romeo, I'll try and make my way and extract him. Over."
After that, he turns off his microphone and makes his way outside. Making sure all his new gear is in place, he spreads his wings, and takes off into the air. He continues to soar through the air, using the strong winds around the building. Eventually he makes his way to the 60th floor. Hovering in the air, he looks up to the 85th and 86th floor where Recon Team Taurus are, to the 40th floor where Recon Team Leo are. He hovers there for a few moments before making his decision on where to go first, flying towards his intended floor.
((OOC: Wow, long post. The longest I've done yet. Feel free to read the whole post if you wish. But I guess the only part that really matters to the arc is the last part. The other two are kinda for establishing the scene. This thread will be for all members of the Equinox squad at the end of the arc. That would be myself, Monochrome/Pastel, Foxtrot, and Tinder. If anyone wishes to use this thread as a fight scene, I'm fine with it, but please PM me in advance.))