Author Topic: H.S Front Entrance (Equinox)  (Read 3014 times)

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H.S Front Entrance (Equinox)
« on: March 22, 2016, 07:13:24 am »
On the ground, at the foot of the structure, sits the entire Equinox Manehatten Division. All of the Support Unit and most Combat Teams form an 100 meter perimeter, each of them holding riot shields to hold back the crowd of civilians trying to see what is going on. Further towards the building, there is a large Equinox tent set up, much like a makeshift Forward Operating Base. Inside holds several small rooms, separated by sheets. One room holds several foldout tables, with several ponies from the Intel Unit gathered around the tables. Each table has several files, papers and maps, fresh intelligence on the situation. There is also several radio stations used for intercepting radio transmissions from Equinox personnel, as well as attempting to intercept radio transmissions from all enemy combatants. Another room is a medical room. There are 5 raised up stretchers in the room, a few ponies from the Medical Unit are present. The majority of them looking after Broadshield and Monochrome/Pastel. The other 3 fallen soldiers are lying on the 3 stretchers, sheets covering their dead bodies. In a third room is a situation room of sorts. In the room there is one large foldout table with a large map of the area, along with various files of new intelligence. There is also a radio station used for intercepting radio transmissions from Equinox personnel. On occasion, ponies from the Recon team enter the room with new intelligence. Even with all the ponies present, one would have no problem allowing the rest of the team inside to talk.

On the radio, there is a flurry of voices heard, all reporting in on their situation. One pony sits on the radio listening to the activity.
"This is Combat Team Beta, we are in position with Gamma Team and Sigma Team in the southern sector, supporting the Support Unit soldiers present. We have too many civilians trying to get through and see what is happening, Can I have Lambda Team-" one voice is heard before the pony switches the channel to another channel.
"This is Recon Team Gemini, we have eyes on the roof, we have 4 targets on the building. We have eyes on Foxtrot and Yankee, and two other individuals and- OH S*** GET DOWN!" a voice is heard before gushes of wind and something zipping by are heard.
"This is Recon Team Leo, we have eyes on Tinder and Bravo, Bravo is down- crap! Tinder is down. Cannot confirm on her status, but she's down. How do we proceed?" yet another voice is heard
"This is Recon Team Taurus, we have eyes on two griffons. I think that would be Romeo and Juliet, they are both down. I can't see anyone with Romeo, but I see someone with Juliet. We may lose Juliet and Bravo, we need to move in and intercept, how copy?" another voice is heard before the radio is switched off. Writing down the important points from all transmissions, he makes his way to the medical wing. Handing the paper to Broadshield, he salutes him and walks off.

Taking the paper, he looks over it, reading everything. Watching as the medics finish patching him up, using a combination of common medicines, herbal remedies, and magic, the Equinox commander is ready to fight, but still sore. Taking his headset, he turns it on and starts speaking into the microphone.
"This is Command to Support Unit. I need you to divert all available Support and Combat soldiers to any necessary areas to help hold back the civilians, we can't have any casualties."
"Roger that Commander. I need-" the voice cuts out as another channel is opened up.
"This is Command to Gemini, get away from the roof, let them fight this out. I'm not letting any more soldiers get injured, over."
"This is Command to Leo, I'm making my way up there right now, hold position. Over."
"This is Command to Taurus, do not engage the one with Juliet, secure Romeo, I'll try and make my way and extract him. Over."
After that, he turns off his microphone and makes his way outside. Making sure all his new gear is in place, he spreads his wings, and takes off into the air. He continues to soar through the air, using the strong winds around the building. Eventually he makes his way to the 60th floor. Hovering in the air, he looks up to the 85th and 86th floor where Recon Team Taurus are, to the 40th floor where Recon Team Leo are. He hovers there for a few moments before making his decision on where to go first, flying towards his intended floor.

((OOC: Wow, long post. The longest I've done yet. Feel free to read the whole post if you wish. But I guess the only part that really matters to the arc is the last part. The other two are kinda for establishing the scene. This thread will be for all members of the Equinox squad at the end of the arc. That would be myself, Monochrome/Pastel, Foxtrot, and Tinder. If anyone wishes to use this thread as a fight scene, I'm fine with it, but please PM me in advance.))
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Ocean Spray

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Re: H.S Front Entrance (Equinox)
« Reply #1 on: April 01, 2016, 05:58:52 am »
((OOC: Man I have kept this waiting a while.))

Ocean looked on with the rest of the crowd as a battle raged overhead. Not bothering to stay in disguise anymore, Ocean scanned the tower for any signs of the pony he had seen on the way in. Slowly making his way to the wall of riot shields blocking the crowd from the military type ponies running around at the foot of the building, Ocean looks on in horror as five strechers are taken out of the building, three of which were covered with "dead body sheets". The other two held the military pony from the train and the strange colourful mare, both looking like they had been bashed with the blunt end of a Minotaur warhammer. There she is... I wonder if I'll be able to find a way to talk to her. Ocean thought to himself as he scanned the wall of riot shields, looking for a weak point.
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Re: H.S Front Entrance (Equinox)
« Reply #2 on: April 13, 2016, 05:48:44 pm »
Hours after the skyscraper had collapsed, the perimeter has been reset and the excitement calmed down. The storm of dust had subsided, the sun itself now starting to approach the horizon. At the Forward Operating Base, Foxtrot lays on one of the stretchers; attached to him are several instruments reading his vitals. His eyes blink open, the blinding light causing him to cringe as he wakes up. "Uh, what the...?" The agent sits up, noting the medics on stand by. One of them approaches him and begins to remove the attachments. "So, any serious injuries doc?" The medic simply looks to him and shakes her head; although there wasn't anything serious, he sure felt sore as anything. Getting up, he grabs his jacket and gear, despite it all appearing battered. Slowly but surely, Foxtrot makes his way out of the large tent, examining the destruction in silence until he notices the boat sitting in the bay. It's crimson sails, familiar hunters, and cages holding the Directors provide relief that his mission was complete. He hasn't seen his companions yet,  and looks around to find them to ensure that they're ok.
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Re: H.S Front Entrance (Equinox)
« Reply #3 on: April 16, 2016, 10:25:42 am »
Broadshield watched as the tower went crashing down, and saw Foxtrot make it out safely. The building caused a large dust cloud to form in that part of the city, and there was no way of finding Foxtrot in the cloud. In the end, the helicopter turned around and made its way to the building, at least, what was left of it. The helicopter came in to land nearby. Through the smoke you could see dozens, maybe hundreds of figures moving around. Some were working on the FOB, others were helping evacuate stragglers, and some were pulling soldiers and civilians from fallen debris. The building dropped several pieces of large debris that came crashing down on ponies. Many were injured, a few were unfortunately killed or were not going to make it. As soon as the helicopter landed, several ponies went to the commander, reporting the status of the situation, tending to his injuries, the like. Some medics also went to Tinder to help, but Broadshield didn't see, he was already being escorted away to the FOB.

Hours later, the dust had finally settled. The line still holding strong against any onlookers, but with less ponies on both sides. Equinox and rescue services were treating wounded ponies, Equinox tacticians still working hard in the tent, coordinating operations, and looking for the Pavelow seen flying away. While all of this was happening, Broadshield sat on a piece of rubble looking out to the sea, and to the Saddle Arabian ship, holding the Directors, patched up and ready to be locked away. As he sat there, he silently reflected on the past few days, and everything that had happened. He didn't know where Foxtrot, Tinder, or Monochrome and Pastel were, but he was sure they would find him eventually...
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Re: H.S Front Entrance (Equinox)
« Reply #4 on: April 16, 2016, 12:55:19 pm »
Tinder watched Broadshield get escorted away before quickly running away from the medics coming to help her. Refusing to admit she was injured and refusing any treatment. Knowing she couldn't get out she just walked around and looked for her friends, hiding from any of the medics that tried to come near her. She did this for a few hours, just walking around the perimeter in search of her friends. Eventually she spots Broadshield sitting there, she slowly limps her way over to him, being in too much pain to go any faster. "Good to see you alive." She says as she makes her way to next to him, "Any chance you could get your guards to let me out of here?"

Agents Pastel and Monochrome

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Re: H.S Front Entrance (Equinox)
« Reply #5 on: April 17, 2016, 02:33:03 am »
Pastel slowly walked out of the medical tent, towards the rock that Broadshield sat on. As she limped along, Pastel tried not to focus on the sharp pain in her ribs. With each slow step her form shifed, her fur changing colour from it's brilliant white to a deep black. Her bones started to grow as Monochrome came out with a sigh. When he reached Broadshield and Tinder he stopped, taking in a deep breath as his rib gives off another sharp stabbing pain. "What now?" he asked Broadshield.
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Re: H.S Front Entrance (Equinox)
« Reply #6 on: April 17, 2016, 06:18:46 pm »
A warm smile shows on Foxtrot's face as he finds his companions all together and very much alive. Trotting over, he picks up  Pastel's question just in time. "Now we send these bastards back over the ocean." Giving Tinder a well deserved hug, unknowingly over her wound, he turns and nods to the commander and shapeshifter. "Guys I... thank you, for all of this." The unicorn looks over to the destruction just a short distance away, "I would've been dead, or just 'activated' when I meet them. After Samiel confirms the transfer, Ill have to inform the other agents of what happened. Believe it or not there's actually a protocol for this happening." He looks over to Tinder, "It may take some time, but expect some funds for your meds later on. Commander Broadshield, I appreciate Equinox's support in all this. It may not be much but whatever files I find in the Directors' archives I'll relay them over. I also owe you a personal favor as well. Anything you need, just reach out to me; same for you too Pastel."
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Samiel Sirocco

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Re: H.S Front Entrance (Equinox)
« Reply #7 on: April 17, 2016, 06:20:09 pm »
Samiel and a couple of his hunters walk over to the group, the pegasus himself adjusting his glasses as he looks to Foxtrot. "Well, it is good to see you've downgraded you mass destruction to one building, Reaper. Regardless, the Directors are all alive and will be enjoying a long trip home."

"So we're good then?" Foxtrot asks with some hesitation. "You use the evidence to put them through trial and try to build Saddle Arabia back up?"

After a pause, Samiel grins and nods, "Don't worry, unicorn; I'll stay true to my end of the deal. But remember, if you ever come to Saddle Arabia, I can't guarantee your safety."

Foxtrot nods in acknowledgement, "Fair enough Samiel, fair enough." He approaches him and offers his hoof, "Good luck rebuilding the country."

With a chuckle, Samiel raises his own hoof and shakes Fox's. "Best of luck not gaining more enemies." The stallion turns his companions and nods, the three trot over to the boat, setting sail into the harbor.


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Re: H.S Front Entrance (Equinox)
« Reply #8 on: April 17, 2016, 06:51:22 pm »
Tinder nearly falls over in pain as she's hugged, she had to cut back drastically on her pill intake because she only had one bottle that didn't get destroyed, so she's feeling pretty much all the pain right now. She grits her teeth and slowly stands back up, "Thanks, the faster the better would be good..." She wipes a bit of new blood from her side and forces a smile.


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Re: H.S Front Entrance (Equinox)
« Reply #9 on: April 18, 2016, 09:21:54 am »
Broadshield watches as everyone comes to him, and watches as Samiel leaves with the 5 Directors, watching on silently. "I wonder if we will see Samiel or the 5 again?" He says to Fox as he makes his way back to the group. "Well, good thing is we're all alive, albeit a little battered up." He says as he watches Fox and Tinder hug. Noticing that there is something up with Tinder, he asks "Tinder, are you ok? You nearly fell over, did you get hurt?" He asks in a concerned tone.

((Can we have another round or two of posting? I need to make another post about asking the question and a few other things to wrap up the arc and I couldn't do it here because it didn't feel right to put everything in one post.))
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Re: H.S Front Entrance (Equinox)
« Reply #10 on: April 18, 2016, 01:58:55 pm »
Tinder waves her hoof a little and winces, "I'm fine, a-okay. Got hit by the magic laser thing when we were on the roof. But it's no big thing, I'll deal with it when I get home. Don't worry."
« Last Edit: April 18, 2016, 02:54:57 pm by Tinder »

Agents Pastel and Monochrome

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Re: H.S Front Entrance (Equinox)
« Reply #11 on: April 18, 2016, 07:43:15 pm »
Momochrome looked around at the crowd that was slowly beginning to lose interest in the group and saw a pair of yellow eyes staring directly at him. The pony they belonged to didn't move or speak, and just watched as Monochrome stood there alongside his compatriots. Hey Pastel, does that pony seem familiar to you? There IS something about him. Can't quite place my hood on it just yet. I'm gonna shift, see how he reacts. Fine. Monochrome slowly shifted his form again, and as he did the pony watching him started to smile.
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Ocean Spray

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Re: H.S Front Entrance (Equinox)
« Reply #12 on: April 18, 2016, 07:50:37 pm »
Ocean begins to grin as he sees the black pony confirm his suspicions that there was another shifter nearby. Now, to try and find a way to talk to them without being arrested. Ocean looked around, and seeing no other options, decides to do a quick shift. Ocean's form changes into a chocolate brown, as his wings faded away and a horn replaced them. Seeing that the other shifter was interested, the newly shifted Choc mouths the word 'follow' to them, before walking off into an alleyway.
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Re: H.S Front Entrance (Equinox)
« Reply #13 on: April 18, 2016, 09:33:43 pm »
"Tinder, you live in Ponyville." Foxtrot abruptly adds. "That's quite the trip for something like that. Look, I can patch you up myself which will hold you over for now. Or I can watch your bag while the medics fix you up, make sure it doesn't get any more ruined." Mentioning ruined, the unicorn looks down to find his entire jacket torn to shreds, pieces of armor missing entirely or scorched by the blasts of magic. "Ugh, I hope the safehouse is stocked."
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Re: H.S Front Entrance (Equinox)
« Reply #14 on: April 20, 2016, 09:31:33 am »
Broadshield looks around at his comrades, all of them looking worse for wear from this op. "Don't worry Fox, we got everything you need back at base, but Tinder..." He says before inspecting her wound for a moment. "Tinder, I'm not letting you leave here without getting some kind of medical treatment." He says firmly to her before two medics come to the group and wait for something to happen. "If you want, I can patch you up myself, and not the medics if that makes you feel uncomfortable, but I'm not letting you run off. Is that ok?" He offers to her. As all of this is happening, Broadshield fails to notice Monochrome/Pastel communicating to a civilian pony outside of the wall of riot soldiers, refusing to let onlookers, reporters, and some authorities in.
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